Monday, September 20, 2010

Starting my business

Hi everyone!  So I thought this might be a good way to show and share with everyone how my new little business began and how it is doing.  I became a stay at home mom on 12/22/2009 and have loved every minute of my new "career" as a personal assistant to my little man!  However, I wanted to take my passion for taking his picture and pictures of my niece to a new level.  I love taking pictures of children and families!  There is just something in a child's eyes that captivates me.  They are so pure and innocence, seeing everything for the first time, and watching a mother or father interact with their little one is just so precious.  I love capturing the moment between a parent and child, the one that happens when they think no one is looking.  I am looking forward to growing my business and hope to photograph you and your little ones soon!